This blog is my universe, my universe belongs to me. The human mind can create entire universes, the reason is because, the human imagination is unlimited. The universe itself is vast as far as we know it could be infinite. The mind is vast, most of us choose not to see the true extent of the mind, but some of us are born seeing. It takes many years to realise that, in order to really see everything, you must first realise, that you are blind to everything and it is this blindness that has been hidden from us. This universe has no place for religion or worship, I may chose to talk about God or gods and goddess, I may talk about spiritual beings, Aliens, Wizards, elves and unexplainable beings and death, but as I am pointing out this, is my universe! If you feel offended or scared or whatever, then you should leave this place and never return! There are subject that are hard to discuss, not only for me but for society as a whole. Nobody knows where we are or what existence is all about, we are just born here, given law, rules, morals and are taught how we should see the world! The problem is I see very different world to the one in which, we are supposed see. I see my universe and my universe belongs to me!
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